



We are a platform that helps organizations and their collaborators to have a better environment at work, healthier, with better skills, better enabled and in continuous growth.We digitize and automate processes to ensure that organizations are more efficient in the management of their human factor, are directed by information, can create a culture of prevention, save costs and comply with norms and regulations associated with health such as NOM 035.Employees will improve their physical, mental and emotional health, and at the same time increase their skills and access benefits that support a better quality of life.We achieve this thanks to executing diagnoses on aspects of health and well-being at work such as Personality Profile, Emotional, Work, Personal and Health States at the employee level, and on the Work Environment, Work Climate and Organizational Culture for organizations, which are accompanied by digital services to obtain the results. These services are: Endomarketing (to raise awareness and inform prior to the execution of each diagnosis), Communication Channel (A digital mailbox is enabled to capture complaints, suggestions or acknowledgments from collaborators in a confidential or anonymous way to be attended by the organization ), Surveys and digital evaluations through email and the App (To obtain the data that will be processed by our analytical engine, to later provide reports and reports at the executive, operational and regulatory level, from which the protocols and action plans so that improvements are executed and obtained.Diagnostics are modular in a self-management model, as a monthly service.Employees will have access to Emotional Assistance (under an automated protocol), Education and Benefits in a standard way, and depending on the service contracted, they will have the possibility of accessing additional telemedicine services (General Practitioners, Psychologists and Nutritionists) in an unlimited way , 7x24x365 and that can be awarded to 3 additional beneficiaries.IMPORTANT: When you register you will have partial access to some of the services mentioned, but to participate in all these benefits, your company must be registered with cool. So if you still do not have the service where you work, contact us so we can help you and start the experience.Join us and feel cool!